Supporting Early Learning | #nurseryrhymes #childdevelopment #earlyeducation | 0 to 5+ | Set 5 J | Wizzy's Words

Supporting Early Learning | #nurseryrhymes #childdevelopment #earlyeducation | 0 to 5+ | Set 5 J | Wizzy's Words

Wizzy’s Words Book of #early learning Rhymes AND Wizzy’s Words AEL (Active Early Learning) #freeresources (see accompanying video)

EARLY LEARNING IN ACTION | USING RHYTHM AND RHYME (Including Early Years Foundation Stage & Years 1 and 2 as appropriate) Laying the foundations for and promoting bonding, filling the word gap and the development & reading and learning readiness SHARE OFTEN AND ACTIVELY FROM BIRTH TO 5 PLUS

As teacher and literacy lead, I observed a number of children that did not have the language for success. On completing #language and #child development, post graduate #research, I found that… Nursery rhymes with their simple, repetitive words and rhythms are validated as ideal early learning tools. This applies to those with typical development and those with less typical development.

Based on my initial research Wizzy’s Words (2021) was published, 70 rhymes with the oral vocabulary for successful early language learning and lifelong learning today. I completed follow up research in 2022. Twinning rhyme with actions promotes development and learning in all domains. Each of the rhymes can be used as a focus for cross curricular work | In addition to vocabulary development, links to numeracy, PSHE, science, knowledge and understanding of the world and other curriculum areas can be found in the rhymes. The rhymes would provide an ideal focus point for a week of #preschool and #earlyyears fun, creative, active language play. (Use the links below to find out more and to purchase Wizzy’s Words and to access the full information for Wizzy’s Words AEL #freeresources)

My passion for supporting early years children and their parents, childcare providers and educators has driven this self-funded project. This is with the aim of filling a prevailing word gap and promoting reading and learning readiness and the associated physical and mental benefits they bring. *To request a copy of the research that Wizzy’s Words and its EAL resources are based on please send me an email or use the contact button on the Wizzy’s Words website

Wizzy’s Words #freeresources are based on a standalone selection of rhymes. If you decide to buy the book | DO NOT LEAVE IT ON THE BOOKSHELF! Keep it in & around the toybox, house, garden, nursery, classroom… for regular, active, fun, language play

Book links (RRP £9.99 - see current offers – also available in eBook and audiobook formats)

Research #podcast links

Free resources links

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