WIZZY’S WORDS | A research based | Social not-for-profit initiative
For #parent #baby #toddler #childcareprovider #preschool #earlyyearsfoundationstage #teacher #senco #lifelonglearning
As a teacher and researcher, I became aware of a deleterious language development gap between infants at school entry. Wizzy’s Words book of rhymes evolved from my research. Traditional nursery rhymes are great but...
Nursery rhymes can be traced back to the 14th century. They derive from old drinking songs and the political satire of their day. Many parents and educators are not fully aware of their benefits. As my research has shown they provide a great resource for early learning and a strong base for lifelong learning. Rather than being old fashioned by, using traditional and re-worked rhymes incorporating the key oral vocabulary for success today they provide a key resource for parent-child bonding and child development across all of the domains of development. Whilst it may take a little work to reframe familiar worded rhymes and add Wizzy’s Words rhymes to the mix, research show that the benefits of doing this will be enormous…
R E S E A R C H | 2020 TO 2022 OVERVIEW
Revisiting the importance of language development from birth
A literature review addressing the question:
Do nursery rhymes represent a key to early language learning and development?
Jacqueline E. Alexander*
Keywords: nursery rhymes, language development, child development, parenting, pedagogy
This review builds on and extends the findings from my literature review: Plugging the Early Language Skills Gap, Jacqueline E Alexander, 2020. The original question being addressed was whether the importance of language development from birth was being overlooked. The 2020 review ascertained that, opportunities for creating an early, language rich environment for infants, especially in terms of oral vocabulary development, before school entry, were being missed. This has led to a number of children continuing to enter school unprepared for reading and learning. The review revealed that rhyme was deemed to be a key resource for promoting early language and child development. Despite, a wealth of rhyming books for infants being available, one incorporating the key oral vocabulary for development was not evident. Consequently, based on the review findings and language development data, a new resource Wizzy’s Words was developed and published. A book of 70 rhymes for today, incorporating the key oral vocabulary that is associated with successful lifelong learning.
Since publication of Wizzy’s Words, I have continued to examine supporting evidence for the if, how and why, nursery rhymes contribute to early language and child development. A follow-up review considered contemporary, pedagogic and scientific research to answer the research question: Do nursery rhymes represent a key to early language learning and development? Based on the findings of this second literature review the answer is a resounding yes. Fundamentally, sharing rhymes and songs with infants from birth promotes parent-child bonding. This early bonding provides a firm base for ongoing child development. If opportunities for early bonding have been missed then intervening at the earliest opportunity is vital. Furthermore, the nature and rhythm of rhyme appears to be a key factor in the development of phonological awareness that underpins successful language development and learning. The review highlighted the importance of harnessing rhyme and rhythm to promote rhythm perception. School entry rhythm perception, together with oral vocabulary level and its inherent phonological awareness, are key indicators for successful development and life chances.
Nursery rhymes and rhyming stories are practical, accessible, universal, preschool and early years educational resources. Furthermore, if rhyme holds a key, to filling the well documented development and early language skills gap, then ways to make this known and exploit the benefits need to be found. Dissemination of this work, to parents, grandparents, child care providers, educational practitioners and special needs specialists is essential.
On the basis of this second review, I will develop a companion set of #free resources, for use with and without the book, in spring 2023. These will be available via the website blog. The resources will retain a focus on oral vocabulary development but will also incorporate the findings of the latest literature review and focus on early parent-baby bonding and then toddler and preschool/EYFS+ stages. Rhymes from Wizzy’s Words will be twinned with age-appropriate, graded movements in line with developmental milestones. Enjoying simple favourite rhymes is important. Adding more challenging rhymes to the mix as a child progresses, will ensure ongoing developmental progress. Children develop at different rates. Successful physical development and development generally can be seen to be based on progressive stages. Progress does not often follow a simple linear path and is likely to be a backwards, forwards and overlapping process. Stages or milestones should be seen as guides not measures or boundaries. For some children additional, individualised support will be appropriate. It should therefore be assumed that Wizzy’s Words will be a useful resource for educational practitioners and specialists beyond the preschool years.
A book of 70 rhymes with key oral vocabulary
for today and with traditional and new rhythms.
Rhyme on left and its key vocabulary on right
R1 | Teddy, Teddy... Tune - Twinkle, Twinkle...
R40 | Pillow, Pillow... Tune - Twinkle, Twinkle...
R11 | The Great, Big, Bad, Old Fox...
Tune - The Grand Old Duke...
Wizzy’s Words a research-based resource for coupling
the mind and body for healthy development and learning
across all domains of development.
Home of rhymes for child development and learning today
#parent #baby #toddler #preschool #earlyyearsfoundationstage #teacher #specialneeds
Rhymes from Blyton
Rhymes from Rosen
Rhymes from Shakespeare
Rhymes from Keats
A lifetime of phonological awareness
And feeling valued
Needs to be for keeps
As children need to hear words before they can
say, sing and move to them
Wizzy’s Words is available in:
Paperback | eBook | narrated audiobook
RRPS £9.99 £3.99 £6.99
(see offers & free trials and free resources on site)
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