#worldnurseryrhymeweek #languageplay
World Nursery Rhyme Week | Monday to Friday rhyme ideas
Based on validated child and language development research and data | 0 to 5+
#home #childcareprovider #preschool #nursery #eyfs #school #teachers
RHYME promotes…
Oral vocabulary & phonological awareness | social & emotional | knowledge & understanding | communication & language | physical & cognitive…development
A Wizzy’s Words rhyme for Monday | Tickle, Tickle Monkey
(Tune – Itsy Bitsy Spider)
-A rhyme for exploring fun and feelings (extend to sense of touch)
-Share rhyme in circle time or on the whiteboard
-Say rhyme together and join in with actions – how do we feel?
-Talk about how having fun makes you feel/talk about touch
-Create pictures of different facial expressions (paper, crayon, paint, dough, construction)
A Wizzy’s Words rhyme for Tuesday | One, Two, Hello to You
(Tune – One, Two Buckle My Shoe)
-A rhyme with a knowledge and understanding (number) focus
-Share rhyme in circle time or on the whiteboard
- Say rhyme together and join in with actions/ counting
-Explore numbers with counters/buttons/cubes
-Make number pictures/create numbers/match number – (cubes/paint/paper craft/crayon/dough)
A Wizzy’s Words rhyme for Wednesday | Dog and Cat (Tune – Jack and Jill)
-A rhyme with a social and emotional focus
-Share rhyme in circle time or on the whiteboard
-Say rhyme together and join in with actions
-Talk about friendship, sharing and inclusion – who is a friend?
-Create a picture for a friend (all names in hat – children take one name)
A Wizzy’s Words rhyme for Thursday | Oh! Puddle, Puddle!
Tune – Hey Diddle Diddle)
-A rhyme with knowledge and understanding focus – weather/outdoors
-Share rhyme in circle time or on the whiteboard (outdoors or indoors)
-Join in the actions for the rhyme (if indoors children can create puddles)
-Explore weather words and act out where possible (splash, whoosh…)
-Create weather pictures with more than one type of weather (paper, crayon, paint, craft)
A Wizzy’s Words rhyme for Friday | Foot, Finger… (Tune – Pease Porridge)
-A rhyme for moving - physical – mind and body fitness (naming body parts)
-Share rhyme in circle time or on the whiteboard
-Say rhyme together and join in with actions
-Talk about why physical exercise is important/which body parts aren’t in rhyme?
-Draw (label), paint, construct body parts
Look out for...
the ‘Rhyme’ podcast (coming soon)
with Toria Bono at Tiny Voice Talks
Where we chat about the value of rhymes for holistic learning
Rhymes from Blyton
Rhymes from Rosen
Rhymes from Shakespeare
Rhymes from Keats
A lifetime of phonological awareness
Should be for keeps
www.wizzyswords.co.uk – home of rhymes for #earlylearning #lifelonglearning
Please feel free to contact me with any questions - Jacqueline
#wnrw #kids #parenting #parenthood #preschool #kindergarten #nursery #school #learningthroughplay #earlyyears #earlychildhooddevelopment #earlylearners #vocabularybuilding #readingtime #education #physicaldevelopment #braindevelopment #raisingreaders #nurseryrhymes #send #speaking #resilience #teachingresources #wizzyswords